"How well he's read, to reason against reading!"
King of Navarre - 'Love's Labour's Lost' Act I, Scene 1
"How well he's read, to reason against reading!"
"A jest's prosperity lies in the earAnd Finally - The 'Labours' set by the women for the men to prove their love are a bit random. Three have to simply wait a year (although one also has to grow a beard) but the last has to spend that year helping the dying by making them laugh! Now that's hard! I mean how many times can you tell the "...I could boil you an egg" gag?...
Of him that hears it, never in the tongue
Of him that makes it."
"Peace, peace!Cleopatra - 'Antony and Cleopatra' Act V, Scene 2
Dost thou not see my baby at my breast,
That sucks the nurse asleep?"
"Despair and die!"The Ghosts - 'Richard III', Act V, Scene 3
"Was ever woman in this humour woo'd?
Was ever woman in this humour won?
I'll have her; — but I will not keep her long."
"I think Crab, my dog, be the sourest-natured dog that lives. My mother weeping, my father wailing, my sister crying, our maid howling, our cat wringing her hands, and all our house in a great perplexity, yet did not this cruel-hearted cur shed one tear."
"Thy mother's of my generation. What's she, if I be a dog?"
"Thy Mother's of my generation. What's she, if I be a dog?"